Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 1

Today was my first day of working out. It was horrific. I thought I was going to die, literally. My boyfriend, John, was walking on the treadmill next to me and whenever he talked to me I wanted to punch him in the face. Instead I remained quiet and didn't say a word while I concentrated on my mile. The experience reminded me of the first time giving birth and in the peak of my contractions when I wanted to pop off I told my husband to just stand in the corner and keep his mouth shut. I meant it. Pain. Discipline. This is unfamiliar territory these last few years of sedentary life eating pretty much whatever I wanted. My heartbeat was 150 while John's was 116 so it gave me a good excuse to stop short of my mile. I could have reduced the pace but I stopped instead whining about having a heart-attack. It was a good start--it was a start.
I haven't come up with a healthy eating plan, yet (tomorrow). Inspite of not having a plan I thought I would eat all the right things today, and went to a Cancer Walk to explore and passed up all the unhealthy items. Instead I ate lovely sauted vegetables with fresh parsley from Wholefoods Market and some Mexican cornbread. I disgustedly eyed the before-bedtime spagetti snack that Angelina and John ate but at 1:00 in the morning spagetti and cornbread whispered in my dreams: "Come get me".


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mother soldier! Good luck in shedding the baggage! Who knows what might be discovered?
